The In-Between

Adventures may not be necessarily be easy experiences, but they have the bonus of being adventures.

Whereas there seems to be very little upside to the waiting in between adventures – the forced rest, the mandatory recovery. This is a peek at the times in between.

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A Long Way to Go

You have to wonder about the crazy ones. The ones who say things like, “I’m going to row a boat across the Atlantic Ocean by myself.” Or, “I’m going to go into the wilderness with no supplies and live off the land.” Or, “I’m going to run across the entire United States.” Or, “I’m going…

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7 Truths About the Next Big Thing

A week from tomorrow, I’m going to wake up at 5:00 am, even though it will be a Saturday and I’m the sleeping late on weekends kind of a girl. I’ll only let myself drink one cup of coffee. I’ll eat toast, a banana, and almond butter, and put on SPF 100 sunscreen because my…

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